ac186bab57 Reimagined series books[edit]. ^ "Battlestar Galactica: Season 4". Later in the episode, when the fleet is orbiting the new Earth, Admiral Adama gives the last survivor count of the Colonials, putting the count at approximately "38,000." Thereafter the population assimilates with/into the society of the native Earth humans, and 150,000 years later, the population of the descendants of the Colonials is 6,760,000,000. Broadcast ratings[edit]. Original series books[edit]. Retrieved July 2, 2011. ^ "Science Fiction News of the Week". Retrieved July 13, 2011. Larson entered negotiations with Universal Pictures for a film adaptation of the 1978 series in February 2009.[28] Bryan Singer signed on to direct the reboot the following August, but was obligated to direct Jack the Giant Slayer.[29] In October 2011 John Orloff was hired to write the script. The series was then broadcast in North America on the Sci-Fi Channel in January 2005.
^ "Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series". References[edit]. jump to contentmy subredditsannouncementsArtAskRedditaskscienceawwblogbookscreepydataisbeautifulDIYDocumentariesEarthPorneuropeexplainlikeimfivefoodfunnyFuturologygadgetsgamingGetMotivatedgifshistoryIAmAInternetIsBeautifulJokesLifeProTipslistentothismildlyinterestingmoviesMusicnewsnosleepnottheonionOldSchoolCoolpersonalfinancephilosophyphotoshopbattlespicsscienceShowerthoughtsspacesportstelevisionthenetherlandstifutodayilearnedTwoXChromosomesUpliftingNewsvideosworldnewsWritingPromptsedit subscriptionsfront-all-randomAskReddit-funny-pics-videos-worldnews-todayilearned-gaming-gifs-news-movies-IAmA-aww-Showerthoughts-mildlyinteresting-tifu-Jokes-nottheonion-Music-LifeProTips-DIY-europe-announcements-explainlikeimfive-science-Futurology-television-OldSchoolCool-sports-photoshopbattles-food-personalfinance-space-dataisbeautiful-TwoXChromosomes-Art-UpliftingNews-GetMotivated-WritingPrompts-creepy-nosleep-EarthPorn-Documentaries-books-askscience-gadgets-history-thenetherlands-philosophy-listentothis-InternetIsBeautiful-blogmore reddit.comBSG: page not foundWant to join? Log in or sign up in seconds.English. Its final episode "The Hand of God" was telecast on April 29, 1979. The film provides an alternate perspective on many events already known to the viewer. ^ El Cosmico (February 22, 2001). Battlestar Galactica: Razor Flashbacks (2007 Mini-Series) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7.6/10 X A series of webisodes that tell the story of William Adama who as a youth uncovers a Cylon experiment while serving in the first Cylon War.
Sawiefin replied
446 weeks ago