Tweezer Linkshell Member replied

644 weeks ago

I only logged in once since the split of our shell and I really miss playing but there is no reason to play anymore, unless i go solo somewhere, and that gets boring fast. I don't know any linkshells to join either. Baaaa I guess it's just time to quite… We had a good run though, and I miss you guys!!

Foshizzzle Admin replied

644 weeks ago

whats good boy boi
dude don't trip super crip….when the new FF comes to PS3 me and ice will be back maybe Ger if we can get him, sorry man you had to put down the sticks on FF11 but all good things come to an end…. soon as Ice stopped i knew i was going to as well….. but just keep in touch with everyone on this site and soon enough we will be back in it to win it …..
i think GB is the and EOt is the only one left playing….

IceBreak Admin replied

643 weeks ago

Get a goddamn PlayStation already.

Foshizzzle Admin replied

643 weeks ago

FO Real Tweezer
GET a dam PS3 already
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