Joffery is such a pussy!!!! I just knew the Hound was going help Sensa get away from King's Landing, I betting the Hound fancy's Sensa… But the real question is: Who would win in a fight between Brom and the Hound or, Breanne and Jamie?
I think they blew there load too early, they should've waited till all the fighting men were in the dingies but it was pretty effective!! I hope Tyrion isn't dead..
Sup guys Holy shit what a great episode. Didn't want it to end….. and that ending… damn.. so fucking sick, zombie army lol, hope Sam makes it. Cait wait till next season so I'm going to buy the books.
I don't know what to say…. cept Holy shit!!!! Daenerys is one badass bitch!!! The scene between Tyrion and Shane actually made me tear up, and what shitty deal he got for all he did in that battle.. The scene between Aria and Jacar? WTF was that!! But the biggest question is how the fuck did Winterfell get burned down!!! There was 200 Stark men there, why didn't they protect Winterfell. Wasn't the orders.." the safety of Bran and Rickon PARAMOUNT" Did they even look for them? Wouldn't they have at least escorted the Iron Islanders back to there boat so that they wouldn't do any shit like that…. I just don't get it!! Need to read the books i guess
Tweezer Linkshell Member replied
657 weeks ago